
PROPEL® Sinus Stent

A man smiles as he speaks with his physician.
The logo for the PROPEL Sinus Stent

Chronic Sinusitis Sufferers Deal with Repeat Surgeries

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, you’ve heard it all before: you need surgery. Then, a couple of years later, you feel the same as you did before. The cycle of misery never seems to end. Finally, there is a treatment option that can provide you with long-lasting relief.

PROPEL®: The Recurrent Chronic Sinusitis Treatment Option

The PROPEL® sinus stent is an FDA-approved treatment option that is placed in the sinuses after surgery. It promotes healing and reduces the need for repeat surgeries by locally delivering a drug to the sinuses.¹ You might be a good candidate for PROPEL® if:

  • You suffer from ethmoid sinus issues
  • You suffer from frontal sinus issues
  • You suffer from maxillary sinus issues
  • You are 18 or older
  • You are not allergic to the drug used in PROPEL® or certain polymers

Learn More About PROPEL® by Intersect ENT.

Stop Treating Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms. Treat the Source

Sinus surgery with PROPEL® is clinically proven to provide relief by targeting inflammation, the primary characteristic of chronic sinusitis.² See how PROPEL® works in three easy steps.


Can PROPEL® Treat my Chronic Sinusitis?

To see if you are a candidate for PROPEL®, a board-certified ENT doctor will need to complete a full exam, including medical history, physical exam, possibly a CT scan, and/or other imaging tests. Once a thorough exam has been completed, your ENT may recommend PROPEL® as a treatment option. The PROPEL® sinus stint comes with risks including pain/pressure, movement of the implant, drug interaction side effects, infection, and/or nosebleed. With Ascentist Healthcare, you can decide if PROPEL® is the best option for your chronic sinusitis. It’s time to stop suffering and dreading repeat sinus surgeries. Schedule today and find out if PROPEL® can get you back to living your life.

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